Helping you get out of your own way to get the most out of your abilities
The ultimate goal is not just to help people become better golfers, but better human beings, ones who can relate to themselves and others in a genuine, kind, and courageous way.
All lessons can be booked through the Zen Golf office: please email info@ZenGolf.com request including preferred dates and phone number, as well as location for in-person lessons. Payment by Venmo or Zelle (or PayPal optional).
FaceTime/Zoom/WhatsApp/Phone Lessons
$200/half hour
2-hour package: $600
Junior/College/Veteran discount rate:
$125/half hour
2-hour package: $400
In-Person Lessons
Half day: $1500 (Brief instruction session and on-course playing lesson)
Full day: $2800 (Full instruction session and on-course playing lesson)
playing lesson)
Additional persons at half fee each.
Junior/College/Veteran discount rate:
Half day: $950
Full day: $1750
In-person Lessons that require travel:
Driving: $75/hour plus meals and accommodations as needed
Flying: airfare plus local transportation, meals, and accommodations

Dr. Joe with champion golfer Cristie Kerr
People think that if they play better that they'll have a better time, but it's really the other way around-
If you learn to enjoy yourself more you'll find yourself playing better!
ZEN GOLF Workshop – Any size group in meeting room; 45-90 minutes. Learn to play with less frustration, more consistency, and lower scores.
ZEN PUTTING Clinic – Up to 40 on the Practice Green. Gives you confidence that you can make any putt!
ZEN GOLF Range Clinic – Up to 12 on the PracticeRange. Learn the pre-shot routines and visualization skills just like the top pros.
Rates by arrangement on sliding scale.