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Zen Golf - Audiobook Download
Price: $9.95
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Clear, concise, and enlightening, ZEN GOLF: Mastering The Mental Game shows you how to make your mind an ally instead of an enemy: how to stay calm, clear the interference that leads to poor shots, and eliminate bad habits and mental mistakes. ZEN GOLF leads you to the effortless focus and unconditional confidence of being in "the Zone."
“ZEN GOLF is for everybody, and you’re really going to enjoy it.” –Vijay Singh
Unabridged Audiobook
Running Time: 4 hours and 51 minutes
Read by: The author, Dr. Joseph Parent
Language: English
Reader review:
“Great book that’s helped my mind and golf game. I’ve recommended it and quoted parts of it to many of my golfing friends. Have the audio book and the hard cover. The good thing about audio: you can listen to it over and over. And I have!” –Linda G.